Create your 24/7 profile online


To start renting with Hertz 24/7 at IKEA please create a profile with us by clicking on the ‘Get Started’ button above.


Note: To complete your enrolment you will need to send a scan or fax of both the back and front of your driving licence.

  1. 1. Book

    1. Book
  2. 2. Open

    2. Open
  3. 3. Drive

    3. Drive
  1. 1. BOOK

    1. BOOK

    Reserve the vehicle you want using our website or mobile app.

  2. 2. UNLOCK

    2. UNLOCK

    Open the vehicle by entering a 6-digit entry code on the Pin Pad behind the windscreen.

  3. 3. GO

    3. GO

    The ignition key is located inside the vehicle. Just start & go!